Keywords / bathing

Displaying all 13 movies

# Title Year Runtime Rating
1 The Aviator 2004 170 10
2 Spirited Away 2001 125 10
3 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2000 120 9
4 Appaloosa 2008 115 6
5 Gozu 2003 130 6
6 Red Heat 1988 104 6
7 Candyman 1992 99 5
8 Friday the 13th 1980 95 5
9 Garden State 2004 102 5
10 The Holy Mountain 1973 114 5
11 Mulan 1998 88 5
12 Peppermint Candy 1999 129 5
13 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 2006 147 2