Keywords / brutality

Displaying movies 201 - 213 of 213 in total

# Title Year Runtime Rating
201 Casino 1995 178 10
202 Collateral 2004 120 10
203 The Departed 2006 151 10
204 Fight Club 1999 139 10
205 The Hateful Eight 2015 167 10
206 Heat 1995 170 10
207 Inglourious Basterds 2009 153 10
208 The Lighthouse 2019 109 10
209 Mad Max: Fury Road 2015 120 10
210 Panic Room 2002 112 10
211 Pulp Fiction 1994 154 10
212 The Revenant 2015 156 10
213 The Talented Mr. Ripley 1999 139 10