Keywords / giant insect

Displaying all 12 movies

# Title Year Runtime Rating
1 The Mist 2007 126 9
2 Starship Troopers 1997 129 9
3 Ant-Man and the Wasp 2018 118 8
4 Land of the Lost 2009 102 7
5 Absentia 2011 87 6
6 King Kong 2005 187 6
7 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005 115 5
8 Gojira vs. Mosura 1992 102 5
9 James and the Giant Peach 1996 79 5
10 Jumanji 1995 104 5
11 Naked Lunch 1991 115 5
12 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 1984 117 5