Keywords / looting

Displaying all 14 movies

# Title Year Runtime Rating
1 Black Book 2006 145 6
2 Cloverfield 2008 85 5
3 Contagion 2011 106 5
4 The Dark Knight Rises 2012 164 7
5 Dawn of the Dead 1978 127 5
6 Gangs of New York 2002 167 8
7 The Host 2006 119 8
8 Left Behind 2014 110 5
9 The Monuments Men 2014 118 5
10 Robocop 1987 102 10
11 Robocop 2 1990 82 8
12 Troy 2004 163 7
13 World War Z 2013 116 5
14 Zombieland 2009 88 6