Keywords / miracle

Displaying all 17 movies

# Title Year Runtime Rating
1 The Last Temptation of Christ 1988 164 5
2 Noah 2014 138 5
3 Little Children 2006 137 9
4 Dogma 1999 130 5
5 Awakenings 1990 121 6
6 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial 1982 115 5
7 Starman 1984 115 6
8 The Green Mile 1999 114 9
9 Pineapple Express 2008 111 8
10 Children of Men 2006 109 10
11 Field of Dreams 1989 107 5
12 Signs 2002 106 7
13 Michael 1996 105 5
14 Grizzly Man 2005 103 6
15 Bruce Almighty 2003 101 5
16 Religulous 2008 101 7
17 Dumbo 1941 64 5