Keywords / parenthood

Displaying all 13 movies

# Title Year Runtime Rating
1 Little Children 2006 137 9
2 Little Miss Sunshine 2006 101 5
3 The Incredibles 2004 115 10
4 American Beauty 1999 122 6
5 Big Daddy 1999 93 6
6 Liar Liar 1997 86 6
7 Mrs. Doubtfire 1993 125 8
8 Terminator 2: Judgement Day 1991 137 10
9 Look Who's Talking Too 1990 81 5
10 3 Men and a Baby 1987 102 5
11 Raising Arizona 1987 94 10
12 Aliens 1986 137 9
13 Mr. Mom 1983 91 6