Keywords / pool hall

Displaying all 13 movies

# Title Year Runtime Rating
1 Carlito's Way 1993 144 9
2 Bamboozled 2000 135 5
3 The Color of Money 1986 119 5
4 Black Snake Moan 2006 116 6
5 Gone Baby Gone 2007 114 7
6 Smokin' Aces 2006 109 6
7 Beverly Hills Cop 1984 105 5
8 The Basketball Diaries 1995 102 7
9 Dazed and Confused 1993 102 5
10 Rumble Fish 1983 94 5
11 The Double 2013 93 5
12 The Woodsman 2004 87 6
13 Black Dynamite 2009 84 9