Movies / After Earth (2013) / Keywords
- alien
- alien creature
- alien invasion
- alien predator
- amputee
- animal attack
- animal killing
- antidote
- army
- asteroid
- asteroid belt
- bird
- bird of prey
- blindness
- body suit
- book
- broken leg
- brother sister relationship
- building raft
- camera
- campfire
- captain
- cave
- chase
- chick
- child in peril
- climbing down a vine
- coming of age
- commander
- courage
- crash landing
- creature
- death of sister
- desert
- dreaming
- explosion
- explosive decompression
- father daughter relationship
- father son relationship
- father son team
- fear
- fearless
- flashback
- flock of birds
- foot chase
- gas mask
- general
- giant animal
- giant bird
- giant creature
- giant monster
- glide suit
- hallucination
- heavy rain
- herd of animals
- hologram
- husband wife relationship
- jogging
- jumping from height
- jungle
- lightning
- military
- monkey
- monster
- mother daughter relationship
- mother son relationship
- nesting dolls
- no opening credits
- outer space
- planet
- planet in title
- poison
- post apocalypse
- predator
- quarantine
- race against time
- rainforest
- rainstorm
- real life father and son playing father and son
- river
- scenic beauty
- seeing sister killed
- self injection
- ship captain
- showdown
- spacecraft
- spaceship
- spaceship crash
- space travel
- spear
- spider crawling on hand
- stabbed in the back
- stabbed in the chest
- stabbed to death
- survival
- sword
- teenage hero
- teenager
- tiger
- tracking device
- training
- trek
- two word title
- volcano
- walking in the woods
- war hero
- war veteran
- waterfall
- written by director