Movies / Captain Fantastic (2016) / Keywords
- ashes
- bare butt
- bare chested male
- bearded man
- blood
- boning knife
- bow and arrow
- brother brother relationship
- brother sister relationship
- bus ride
- campfire
- cemetery
- church
- coffin
- college acceptance letter
- cremation
- dancing
- dead body
- death of daughter
- death of mother
- death of wife
- exhuming a body
- falling off a roof
- father daughter relationship
- father in law son in law antipathy
- father in law son in law relationship
- father son relationship
- funeral
- grandfather granddaughter relationship
- grandfather grandson relationship
- grandmother granddaughter relationship
- grandmother grandson relationship
- guitar
- guitar player
- harmonica
- home schooling
- human ashes
- hunting
- hunting knife
- killing a deer
- last will and testament
- loss of daughter
- loss of mother
- loss of wife
- male frontal nudity
- male full frontal nudity
- male nudity
- male pubic hair
- man wearing a red suit
- memory
- no opening credits
- nudity
- off screen death
- politics
- rain
- raised middle finger
- razor
- reading
- reading a book
- redheaded woman
- redhead girl
- red suit
- reference to adidas
- reference to dr. benjamin spock
- reference to jesse jackson
- reference to josef stalin
- reference to lolita the novel
- reference to mao tse tung
- reference to mr. spock
- reference to nike
- reference to noam chomsky
- reference to star trek
- reference to the brothers karamazov the novel
- reference to the joy of sex the book
- road trip
- rock climbing
- running through the woods
- shaving off beard
- shoplifting
- singer
- singing around campfire
- singing in a car
- singing on a bus
- sister sister relationship
- skinning a deer
- stealing
- suicide
- suicide of daughter
- suicide of mother
- suicide of wife
- survivalist
- tambourine
- teenage boy
- teenage girl
- tent
- two word title
- u.s. bill of rights
- view from inside a toilet bowl
- waterfall
- wealth
- widower
- wine
- work out