Movies / Carrie (1976) / Keywords
- adolescence
- adolescent romance
- alienation
- alone
- anger
- ashtray
- attraction
- backwards
- bad girl
- ball
- based on book
- based on novel
- bathroom
- bedroom
- bible
- bitterness
- blockbuster
- blonde
- blood
- blood bath
- blow job
- boyfriend girlfriend relationship
- bra
- breasts
- brunette
- bucket
- bucket of blood
- bully
- bullying
- burned up car
- burning
- burning house
- burning school
- buttocks
- candle
- car
- cemetery
- character name in title
- child abuse
- class differences
- classmate
- classroom
- collapsing house
- coming of age
- compassion
- convertible
- covered in blood
- cracked mirror
- crowd
- crown
- cruel joke
- cruelty
- crush
- crying
- cult director
- cult favorite
- cult film
- cult movie
- dance
- dance contest
- dancing
- danger
- dark heroine
- dating
- dead friend
- dead woman
- death
- death by falling object
- death of friend
- death of mother
- deeply disturbed person
- depression
- desire
- desolation
- destruction
- disappointment
- disillusionment
- disturbed individual
- domineering mother
- doubt
- dream
- dream sequence
- dress
- dying
- dysfunctional family
- electrocution
- evil
- evil student
- evil woman
- extrasensory perception
- face slap
- falling down stairs
- fanaticism
- fear
- fellatio
- female bully
- female frontal nudity
- female nudity
- female rear nudity
- female slaps female
- female student
- female teacher
- fire
- fire engine
- firestarter
- firestorm
- firetruck
- first love
- forbidden love
- fright
- fury
- generation gap
- gossip
- goth
- gothic
- graffiti
- grave
- graveyard
- guilt
- gym
- gym class
- gym teacher
- hand from grave
- hell
- high school
- high school dance
- high school love
- high school prom
- high school student
- high school sweethearts
- hit in the head
- homicide
- horror movie remade
- hostility
- house
- humiliation
- hysteria
- icon
- independent film
- index cards
- inferiority complex
- isolation
- jacket
- joy
- juvenile
- kiss
- kissing
- knife
- knocked unconscious
- laughing
- library
- locked door
- locker room
- loner
- long hair
- loss of control
- love
- love interest
- male female relationship
- mania
- mass death
- mass destruction
- matricide
- menarche
- menstrual blood
- menstruation
- misfit
- mother daughter relationship
- mother versus daughter
- movie with surprise ending
- multiple stabbing
- multiple views
- murder
- nerd
- night
- nightmare
- night time
- nudity
- oddball
- one word title
- opening credit bush
- opposites attract
- oral sex
- oral sex in car
- outcast
- out of control
- outsider
- overprotective parent
- panic
- panties
- paranoia
- paranormal phenomena
- party dress
- pig
- pig blood
- poetry
- popularity
- practical joke
- prank
- prayer
- principal
- principal's office
- prom
- prom ballot
- prom dress
- prom king
- prom night
- prom queen
- psionic power
- psychic
- psychic power
- psychological trauma
- public humiliation
- punishment
- rage
- rampage
- rejection
- religion
- religious fanatic
- religious zealot
- repression
- revenge
- reverse footage
- ridicule
- rock band
- rose
- sadism
- sadness
- school
- school dance
- schoolgirl
- school life
- school principal
- school teacher
- school yearbook
- screaming
- self confidence
- sex
- sexual attraction
- sexual desire
- sexual humiliation
- sexuality
- sexual repression
- shirt
- shock in the end
- shorts
- shower
- shy girl
- shyness
- sibling rivalry
- sin
- single mother
- slow motion scene
- slumber party
- smeared in blood
- split screen
- stabbed in the back
- stabbed in the chest
- stabbed in the hand
- stabbed to death
- stabbing
- stage
- stars
- stephen king
- street
- stress disorder
- student
- supernatural
- supernatural power
- surprise
- symbol
- tampon
- taunting
- teacher
- teacher student relationship
- tease
- teen
- teenage
- teenage alienation
- teenage boy
- teenage daughter
- teenage girl
- teenage girl in underwear
- teenage love
- teenage prankster
- teenager
- teenage romance
- teenage sex
- teenage sexuality
- teen angst
- teen love
- teen movie
- teen romance
- telekinesis
- title spoken by character
- tomb
- torso cut in half
- tragedy
- trauma
- troubled teenage girl
- trousers
- t shirt
- underage
- underground
- under stairs
- underwear
- unrequited love
- vagina
- vengeance
- violence
- volleyball
- washing
- watching tv
- water
- white dress
- work out
- wrath
- wrong side of the tracks
- yearbook
- young love