Movies / Cold Mountain (2003) / Keywords
- 1860s
- abolition
- african american
- american civil war
- american flag
- american indian
- army deserter
- atlantic ocean
- attempted rape
- baby
- banjo
- bare breasts
- bare butt
- based on novel
- battle
- bayonet
- bird
- black american
- blindness
- blood
- blood spatter
- boat
- book
- bowel movement
- cabin
- campfire
- cane
- cannon
- chained together
- chains
- charleston south carolina
- cherokee tribe
- chopping wood
- christmas
- church
- cider
- civil war
- coast
- coat
- cold mountain north carolina
- cold weather
- confederacy
- confederate army
- confederate soldier
- conundrum
- corn
- cornfield
- corpse
- cotton
- cotton picking
- cow
- crabs
- cradle
- cross
- dead body
- dead parents
- death
- death of child
- death of father
- death of loved one
- death of lover
- defecation
- doctor
- dove
- drink
- drinking
- drunkenness
- dying
- eating
- explosion
- explosive
- family relationships
- farm
- farmers daughter
- farming
- father daughter relationship
- father son relationship
- feces
- female bonding
- female frontal nudity
- female goatherd
- female nudity
- fence
- fiddle
- fire
- fire dying out
- flare
- flashback
- flash forward
- food
- forest
- freezing
- friend
- friendship
- girl
- goat
- goatherd
- gun
- gunpowder
- hanged man
- hanging
- herb
- home guard
- horse
- horse and carriage
- hospital
- hymn
- illness
- injury
- jealousy
- kicking
- kiss
- knife
- letter
- long johns
- love
- magnolia
- male female relationship
- mandolin
- march
- marching band
- massacre
- military desertion
- military encampment
- minister
- mirror
- mother daughter relationship
- mother son relationship
- mountain
- murder
- native american
- nonlinear timeline
- north carolina
- nut seller
- omen
- petersburg virginia
- photograph
- pianist
- piano
- pig
- pistol
- plow
- pocket watch
- post office
- prayer
- pregnancy
- prisoner
- rabbit
- rain
- rape
- rape attempt
- reading
- reference to abraham lincoln
- reference to wuthering heights
- revenge
- rifle
- rooster
- root beer
- runaway slave
- saw
- seed
- sermon
- sex
- shackled
- shaving
- shaving with a knife
- sheep
- shooting
- shotgun
- shot in the back
- shot in the chest
- shot in the neck
- shot to death
- singing
- slave
- slavery
- smokehouse
- sniper
- snow
- soldier
- south carolina
- southern accent
- stabbed in the chest
- star
- star crossed lovers
- swamp
- target practice
- theft
- thief
- throat slitting
- tintype
- title spoken by character
- torture
- tragic love
- tragic romance
- train
- treason
- turkey the bird
- underwear
- union army
- union soldier
- voice over letter
- water well
- woods
- wound
- year 1861
- year 1864