Movies / Dog Day Afternoon (1975) / Keywords
- adultery
- airplane
- airport
- animal in title
- anonymous telephone call
- asthma
- bank
- banker
- bank robbery
- bank teller
- barbershop
- based on article
- based on a true story
- black humor
- blockbuster
- botched crime
- brooklyn new york city
- car
- catholic
- delivery boy
- diabetes
- extramarital affair
- fainting
- famous line
- fbi
- gay
- gay lead character
- gay slur
- gun
- handgun
- heist gone wrong
- helicopter
- homosexual
- hostage
- infidelity
- last will and testament
- media frenzy
- mother son relationship
- neo noir
- new york
- new york city
- no music
- one day
- pistol
- pizza
- pizza delivery
- police
- police detective
- policeman
- police officer
- police sniper
- real time
- revolver
- rifle
- robbery gone awry
- security guard
- sergeant
- shot in the forehead
- siege
- smoking
- sniper
- stockholm syndrome
- suicide pact
- tarmac
- television news
- unfaithfulness
- unhappy marriage
- vietnam veteran
- what happened to epilogue