Movies / Eden Lake (2008) / Keywords
- animal killing
- bar
- barbed wire
- bare chested male
- bathroom
- beaten to death
- bicycle
- bikini
- bleeding to death
- blood
- bloody body of a child
- bonnie and clyde
- box cutter
- boyfriend girlfriend relationship
- brother brother relationship
- bully
- burned alive
- burned to death
- camera phone
- camping
- camping in the wilderness
- camping trip
- car crash
- cell phone
- changing a tire
- chase
- child killing a child
- child murder
- climbing through a window
- cocaine snorting
- cover up
- cut arm
- dead dog
- death
- death of child
- death of protagonist
- delinquent
- dirt road
- dog
- driving off road
- engagement ring
- face slap
- filmed killing
- first aid
- flat tire
- foot pursuit
- forest
- gang violence
- gasoline
- glass
- glass in the neck
- gore
- gps
- guilt
- hiding
- hit by car
- impalement
- insanity
- jeep
- juvenile delinquency
- kicked in the face
- killer instinct
- knife
- knocked out
- lake
- loss of blood
- loss of loved one
- lost in woods
- male nudity
- match
- matches
- murder
- nihilism
- nihilist
- party
- peek a boo
- person on fire
- psychopath
- rampage
- remorse
- revenge
- ring
- ringleader
- rottweiler
- sadism
- school teacher
- scuba diving
- sex in a bathroom
- sex standing up
- snorkel
- spike
- stabbed in the chest
- stabbed in the leg
- stabbed in the mouth
- stabbed in the neck
- stabbed to death
- stabbing
- stealing a car
- straight razor
- stupid victim
- subjective camera
- sunbathing
- sunglasses
- survival
- teen
- teenage killer
- teenager
- teen violence
- tent
- threatened with knife
- throat wound
- title appears in writing
- title spoken by character
- torture
- tragic event
- underage drinking
- vengeance
- violence
- violent death
- vomit
- woman in bikini
- woman kills a man
- writer director
- young couple