Movies / In the Line of Fire (1993) / Keywords
- 1 800 phone number
- 1990s
- action hero
- aeroplane
- agent
- aging
- aircraft landing
- airforce one
- airplane
- airplane passenger
- airport
- airport terminal
- alcoholic
- american flag
- american president
- angry man
- animal abuse
- anonymous phone call
- answering machine
- antenna
- anti hero
- apartment
- arrest
- assassin
- assassination
- assassination attempt
- assassination of president
- assassination plot
- attack on president
- bacon
- bag over head
- bald man
- balloon popping
- bank
- bank account
- bank employee
- bank teller
- bar
- barking dog
- bartender
- baseball cap
- baseball hat
- being followed
- binocular eyeglasses
- binocular view
- black bra
- black dress
- black panties
- black tie
- black tie party
- black underwear
- blockbuster
- blonde
- blood
- blood splatter
- bodyguard
- bonaventure hotel los angeles
- brawl
- breaking in
- broken windshield
- bulletproof vest
- bust
- california flag
- camouflage
- candidate
- canine
- catching a cold
- chanting four more years
- chasing a man
- check
- cheer
- chicago illinois
- chief of staff
- cia
- city bus
- climbing stairs
- close up
- close up of face
- close up of mouth
- computer
- conspiracy
- corpse
- corruption
- corrupt politician
- counterfeiting
- cover up
- co worker co worker relationship
- crime scene
- dallas texas
- dead special agent
- dead woman on floor
- death
- death of friend
- death of partner
- deserted house
- desktop computer
- die hard scenario
- director
- disabled man
- disarming someone
- disguise
- dog
- drinking problem
- drum
- drummer
- drumming
- drunkenness
- duck hunting
- election
- elevator
- embarassment
- empty
- evil man
- ex husband ex wife relationship
- extended arm
- eyes closed in concentration
- fake gold
- fake identity
- fake nose
- fake tooth
- falling from height
- false alarm
- false identity
- fbi
- federal agent
- feet on desk
- female agent
- female co worker
- fire truck
- fistfight
- flag waving
- flashback
- flashlight
- flash photography
- flirtation
- flock of ducks
- following someone
- football player
- foot chase
- former football player
- french embassy
- french flag
- french kiss
- f word
- german shepherd dog
- glass elevator
- glock
- glove
- good versus evil
- government
- government agent
- government corruption
- guilt
- guilt complex
- gun
- gunfight
- gun violence
- handcuffs
- haunted by the past
- held at gunpoint
- hero
- hitman
- home invasion
- homemade weapon
- hostage
- hotel
- hotel room
- husband wife relationship
- ice cream
- intelligence agent
- interrupted sex
- investigation
- jazz music
- jean jacket
- jumping from building to building
- jumping from rooftop to rooftop
- kennedy assassination
- kidnapping
- killing an animal
- kiss
- knocking down a door
- knocking on a door
- lawn
- leather jacket
- lie
- lightning
- limousine
- lincoln memorial
- listening to the news on the radio
- live music
- loner
- los angeles california
- loss of friend
- love
- machine gun
- magazine
- magazine article
- male wears an undershirt
- man holding an umbrella
- maniac
- man in a suit
- man in a wheelchair
- man in suit and tie
- man punches a woman
- man's best friend
- master of disguise
- meeting
- mercilessness
- mind game
- miniskirt
- model
- model boat
- motorcade
- mp 5 machine gun
- mullet
- mural
- murder
- mysterious villain
- name tag
- neck breaking
- neo noir
- news footage
- newspaper clipping
- news report
- noodle
- obese woman
- obsession
- old age
- older man younger woman relationship
- one man army
- opening action scene
- orchestra
- paranoia
- partner
- passing out
- paying off a debt
- pay phone
- pay telephone
- pennsylvania avenue washington d.c.
- phoenix arizona
- photograph
- piano
- piano bar
- piano player
- piano playing
- pig
- pillar
- pistol
- pistol in drawer
- policeman
- police raid
- political assasination
- political campaign
- political conspiracy
- political corruption
- political cover up
- political rally
- political thriller
- politics
- popping a balloon
- popping balloon
- president
- presidential election
- press conference
- product placement
- professor
- psychological abuse
- psychopath
- public telephone
- public transit
- pursuit
- quick draw
- radio
- raincoat
- rally
- redemption
- re election
- reference to john f. kennedy
- reference to john wilkes booth
- reference to st. paul
- reference to st. paul minnesota
- refusing a handshake
- refusing to shake hands
- reporter
- restaurant
- retired agent
- retirement
- retiring
- revenge
- revolver
- revolving door
- ripping a telephone from the wall
- roof
- roof chase
- rooftop
- rooftop chase
- roommate
- rundown
- running
- running down stairs
- running into traffic
- running in traffic
- running on rooftop
- running through traffic
- secret communciation
- secret service
- secret service agent
- security detail
- semiautomatic pistol
- serial murder
- server
- sex in hotel room
- shootout
- shorthaired woman
- short skirt
- shot dead
- shotgun
- shot in the chest
- shot in the forehead
- shot in the head
- shot to death
- showdown
- silencer
- snack
- sniper
- sniper rifle
- speech
- staircase
- stalker
- stalking
- standing in the rain
- state dinner
- stock footage
- strangulation
- suicide
- suicide of villain
- suit and tie
- sunglasses
- suspense
- swat
- swat team
- tapped phone
- taunting
- taxi
- telephone
- telephone call
- teleprompter
- television
- tension
- the mall
- threat
- threatening a federal agent
- throat slitting
- thunder
- tough girl
- tough guy
- trace signal
- tracing a telephone call
- traffic light
- train
- train tracks
- trench coat
- tv antenna
- undercover
- undercover agent
- underground
- undershirt
- unlisted phone number
- unlisted telephone number
- u.s. president
- u.s. secret service
- uzi
- villain
- violence
- voyeurism
- wager
- waiter
- waitress
- waitress costume
- waitress uniform
- walking a red carpet
- warrior
- washington d.c.
- watching someone die
- waving
- waving a flag
- waving an american flag
- wheelchair
- wheelchair bound
- white house
- wiretapping
- wiretapping a telephone call
- wisecrack humor
- woman in black
- woman in man's clothes
- woman rests her head on man's shoulder
- woman's hand on a man's knee
- woman's neck broken
- woman wears a men's suit
- woman wears a miniskirt
- woman wears a short skirt
- worker lay off
- working late
- workshop