Movies / Shutter Island (2010) / Keywords
- 1950s
- 1954
- alcoholic
- altered perception
- ambiguous ending
- anagram
- ashes
- asylum for criminally insane
- badge
- barbed wire
- bare chested male
- based on novel
- blood
- blood spatter
- bloody body of a child
- bloody body of child
- boston accent
- british actor playing american character
- car explosion
- carrying child
- cave
- cave hideout
- cemetery
- child drowning
- child murder
- child murderer
- cigar
- cigarette smoking
- cigar smoking
- cliff
- cold war
- concentration camp
- confinement
- conspiracy theory
- corpse
- covered in blood
- crashing waves
- criminally insane
- dachau concentration camp
- dark and stormy night
- dead child
- dead wife
- death of family
- deception
- delusion
- deputy marshal
- disappearance
- dream
- drowned child
- electric fence
- elongated cry of no
- experimental therapy
- exploding car
- falling ash
- fedora
- female prisoner
- female psychopath
- ferry
- figment of imagination
- filicide
- fire
- flashback
- flooding building
- foot chase
- f word
- german doctor
- gore
- graveyard
- grey skies
- guilt
- hallucination
- hallucinogen
- hallucinogenic drug
- harbor
- held at gunpoint
- hidden agenda
- holocaust
- homicidal maniac
- hurricane
- husband kills wife
- husband wife relationship
- illusion
- infanticide
- injection
- insane asylum
- insanity
- interrogation
- interview
- investigation
- island
- island fortress
- jeep
- knocked out with a gun butt
- knocked out with gun butt
- leaky roof
- lighthouse
- lighting a cigarette
- lighting a match
- lighting match
- lighting someone's cigarette
- lobotomy
- mahler
- male frontal nudity
- male rear nudity
- man hunt
- massacre
- matches
- mausoleum
- medicine
- memories
- memory
- mental hospital
- mental institution
- migraine
- migraine headache
- missing person
- mother kills own child
- murder
- nazi
- necktie
- needle
- neo noir
- nightmare
- note
- paranoia
- partner
- patient 67
- period piece
- phone line cut
- phonograph
- photosensitivity
- pier
- pipe smoking
- pistol
- playing tag
- plot twist
- pond
- power outage
- power struggle
- prison guard
- psyche
- psychiatric nurse
- psychiatric orderly
- psychiatrist
- psychological trauma
- psychology
- psychopath
- psychosis as a defense mechanism
- psychotherapist
- psychotherapy
- psycho thriller
- psychotropic medication vs psychotherapy
- ptsd
- punched in the face
- pyromaniac
- racial slur
- radio
- rain
- rat
- reality vs fantasy
- reexperiencing trauma
- reference to gustav mahler
- regression
- repressed memory
- revelation
- riddle
- rifle
- role playing
- roof leak
- scarred face
- schizophrenia
- seasick
- seasickness
- seaside cliff
- self delusion
- sheer dropoff
- shock in the end
- shot in the back
- shot in the chest
- shot in the face
- shot to death
- shower
- smoking
- smoking pipe
- snow
- soldier
- speaking german
- spiral staircase
- stabbed in the arm
- startled
- strangle
- strangulation
- surprise ending
- surrealism
- suspected nazi
- suspicion
- syringe
- talking to one's self in a mirror
- tattoo
- title spoken by character
- toy gun
- trauma
- traumatic experience
- traumatic shock
- triple child murder
- turn to dust
- u.s. marshal
- veteran
- violence
- warden
- war trauma
- water
- water gun
- who can you trust
- wind
- woman smoker
- world war 2
- world war two
- world war two veteran
- year 1954