Movies / The Mechanic (2011) / Keywords
- adrenalin
- airport
- animal shelter
- apprentice
- arms dealer
- assassin
- bald man
- bar
- bare chested male
- beating
- betrayal
- blood
- blood splatter
- boat
- bomb
- brandy
- brawl
- brutality
- bullet ballet
- bullet time
- burning a photograph
- bus
- bus crash
- car chase
- car crash
- car thief
- cell phone
- cemetery
- championship ring
- character repeating someone else's dialogue
- chase
- chicago illinois
- chihuahua
- choking to death
- cigarette smoking
- colombia
- corpse
- cover up
- cult leader
- dancing
- death
- death of father
- death of friend
- deception
- director cameo
- disarming someone
- disobeying orders
- disposable cell phone
- diving into water
- dog
- drowning
- drug lord
- drunkenness
- eames lounge chair
- erotic asphyxiation
- escape
- exploding bus
- exploding car
- exploding gasoline station
- exploding house
- faking own death
- falling from height
- falling to death
- fall to death
- female rear nudity
- fight to the death
- fire extinguisher
- fire poker
- fistfight
- garbage disposal
- garbage truck
- gasoline spill
- gas station
- gay
- gore
- gulfstream 450 business jet
- gun
- gun battle
- gun duel
- hairy chest
- hand to hand combat
- hanged body
- held at gunpoint
- hiding in a closet
- hit by a car
- hitman
- homosexual
- hostage
- hotel
- hundred dollar bill
- impalement
- interrogation
- jaguar e type
- jogging
- jumping off a bridge
- jumping off bridge
- jumping through a window
- karate
- karate chop
- ketamine
- kicked in the crotch
- kicked in the face
- kicked in the head
- kicked in the stomach
- killing a friend
- kissing while having sex
- lens flare
- lesbian kiss
- machine gun
- marijuana joint
- martial arts
- mentor
- mentor protege relationship
- mixed martial arts
- motorcade
- murder
- new orleans louisiana
- newspaper headline
- nightclub
- no opening credits
- note
- older man younger man relationship
- opening action scene
- overhead camera shot
- parking garage
- phonograph
- photograph
- pistol
- poison
- power outage
- premarital sex
- private jet
- prostitute
- punched in the face
- punched in the stomach
- rappelling
- remake
- restaurant
- revenge
- semiautomatic pistol
- sex scene
- sex standing up
- shootout
- shot in the chest
- shot in the forehead
- shot in the head
- shot in the knee
- shot in the leg
- shot to death
- showdown
- slow motion scene
- stabbed in the chest
- stabbed in the face
- stabbed in the leg
- stabbed to death
- stabbed with a screwdriver
- stealing a bus
- stepping in shit
- strangled with a belt
- strangulation
- street shootout
- surprise ending
- surveillance
- swimming laps
- swimming pool
- target practice
- thrown through a wall
- thrown through a window
- torture
- tough guy
- training
- two man army
- underwater scene
- villain played by lead actor
- vinyl
- violence
- voice over narration
- walking on broken glass
- wheelchair
- wheelchair bound
- wheelchair on stairs
- woman on top