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Displaying all 15 movies

# Title Year Runtime Rating
1 Robocop 1987 102 10
2 The Terminator 1984 108 10
3 Total Recall 1990 113 10
4 Aliens 1986 137 9
5 Good Will Hunting 1997 126 9
6 Alien 1979 117 8
7 Blow Out 1981 107 8
8 Brazil 1985 132 8
9 Akira 1988 124 7
10 Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015 141 7
11 The Conversation 1974 113 6
12 Independence Day 1996 145 6
13 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 160 5
14 A Beautiful Mind 2001 135 5
15 Mars Attacks! 1996 106 5