Movies / Alien 3 (1992) / Keywords
- acid
- action heroine
- alien contact
- alien invasion
- alien species
- altered version of studio logo
- android
- atrocity
- attempted rape
- autopsy
- black humor
- blood
- bloody violence
- bravery
- christ allegory
- crash
- cryogenics
- cryonics
- cult favorite
- cult sci fi
- dark humor
- dead dog
- death wish
- directorial debut
- dog
- dragon
- dual role
- fall from height
- falling from height
- female protagonist
- fighting the system
- fight the system
- furnace
- future
- futuristic
- gore
- goth
- gothic
- heroism
- hypodermic needle
- immolation
- impregnation
- imprisonment
- injection
- iq
- main character dies
- megacorporation
- metaphor
- mission
- monster
- murder
- murderer
- neo noir
- outer space
- parasite
- part computer animation
- penal colony
- planet
- pregnancy
- prison
- rapist
- redemption
- religion
- returning character killed off
- sacrifice
- sequel
- sequel with unusual number
- severed head
- space
- space colony
- spacecraft
- space exploration
- space marine
- spaceship
- space travel
- spiral staircase
- splatter
- stupidity
- subtly humorous
- survivor
- suspended animation
- third part
- trapped
- violence
- woman in peril
- xenomorph
- x rayed skeleton
- yawn
- yawning