Movies / Beverly Hills Cop (1984) / Keywords
- apartment
- art dealer
- art gallery
- attempted robbery
- automatic weapon
- banana
- bar
- bearer bonds
- beverly hills california
- billiards
- black cop
- blockbuster
- blood
- buddy cop
- buffet
- chase
- cigarette smoking
- city name in title
- class differences
- cocaine
- coffee
- contraband
- convicted felon
- cult favorite
- detective
- detroit michigan
- discrimination
- drugs
- drug smuggling
- electronic music score
- famous score
- female nudity
- gallery
- gun
- hitman
- homosexual
- hotel
- impersonation
- kidnapping
- kitchen
- machine gun
- murder
- painting
- part of trilogy
- place name in title
- police
- police station
- pool hall
- pretending to be gay
- racial slur
- revenge
- shotgun
- shot in the arm
- shot in the chest
- shot in the head
- shot to death
- shrimp salad sandwich
- smuggling
- strip club
- stripper
- surveillance
- thrown through a window
- truck
- undercover
- warehouse