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Movies / Blood Diamond (2006) / Keywords
- 1990s
- africa
- african
- airfield
- airplane
- airport
- air raid
- ambush
- american
- american abroad
- amputee
- angola
- anti hero
- antwerp belgium
- apartheid
- armed child
- arson
- attack helicopter
- baboon
- baby
- bar
- bartender
- battle
- beach
- beaten to death
- beer
- belgium
- betrayal
- bicycle
- binoculars
- black market
- blood
- blood diamonds
- blood spatter
- bloody body of a child
- blowing smoke in someone's face
- bludgeoning
- boat
- bomb
- bombing
- boy
- brainwashing
- breaking a car windshield
- bridge
- brother sister relationship
- brutality
- burning house
- burying
- bus
- bus ride
- cafe
- camera
- cameraman
- cape town south africa
- captain
- car accident
- car chase
- car explosion
- car on fire
- cave
- cell phone
- chase
- child in peril
- child in the military
- child murder
- child nudity
- child rearing
- children
- child soldier
- child uses a gun
- child with a gun
- chimpanzee
- cigarette smoking
- civil war
- cnn
- colonel
- communism
- conference
- controversy
- corpse
- crying
- cutting letters into one's arm
- cutting one's self
- cynicism
- dancer
- dancing
- dead body
- death
- death of child
- death of father
- death of friend
- death of mother
- demonstration
- diamond
- diamond mining
- diamond smuggler
- digging
- doctor
- dog
- double cross
- dragging a dead body
- drink
- drinking
- drugged
- drug use
- drunkenness
- dying
- dying man
- eating
- elephant
- engagement ring
- ethnic slur
- evacuation
- execution
- exploding car
- explosion
- ex soldier
- eye bandage
- eye patch
- family relationships
- father daughter relationship
- father son relationship
- female reporter
- fight
- fire
- firing squad
- fish
- fisherman
- fishing
- fisticuffs
- food
- food distribution
- forecariah guinea
- freetown sierra leone
- frisking
- goat
- goatherd
- gold
- greed
- grief
- guard
- guinea
- gun
- gunshot wound
- hand bandage
- hands cut off
- hand wound
- hanging a dead body
- helicopter
- hiding
- hit with a rifle butt
- hit with a shovel
- hiv
- holding cell
- homelessness
- hotel
- husband wife relationship
- hustler magazine
- ivory
- jail
- jail cell
- jewelry
- jewelry store
- journalism
- journalist
- jungle
- kidnapping
- kimberley south africa
- kiss
- knife
- kono sierra leone
- landscape
- lantern
- laptop computer
- liberia
- london england
- machete
- machine gun
- magazine
- male female relationship
- massacre
- master slave relationship
- medic
- mende the ethnic group
- mercenary
- microphone
- military training
- militia
- minibus
- mining
- mirror
- mobile phone
- molotov cocktail
- money
- montage
- morocco
- mother daughter relationship
- mother son relationship
- murder
- murder of father
- murder of mother
- mutilated child
- mutilation
- national geographic magazine
- news photographer
- nihilist
- nudity
- oil
- opportunist
- orphanage
- panning for diamonds
- photograph
- photographer
- pickup truck
- piggy back ride
- pilot
- profanity
- prologue
- prostitute
- protest
- punched in the gut
- pursuit
- racial slur
- racist comment
- rain
- rainstorm
- ransacking
- rape
- razor blade
- rebel
- rebel army
- rebellion
- redemption
- red soil
- refugee
- refugee camp
- reporter
- rescue
- restaurant
- revolution
- revolutionary
- revolutionary united front
- rifle
- ritual
- river
- roadside bomb
- rocket launcher
- rpg
- running
- school
- scoundrel
- search
- self dentistry
- separation from family
- severed arm
- severed hand
- sex
- shantytown
- shenge sierra leone
- shooting
- shooting gallery
- shootout
- shot in the arm
- shot in the back
- shot in the chest
- shot in the head
- shot in the leg
- shot point blank
- shot to death
- shovel
- sierra leone
- sierra leone civil war
- sierra leone national anthem
- singer
- singing
- sister sister relationship
- smuggler
- smuggling
- soccer
- soldier
- soldier of fortune
- song
- south africa
- street life
- street market
- stretcher
- student
- subjective camera
- subtitled scene
- sunglasses
- surrender
- target practice
- tattoo
- tattooing one's self
- taxi
- teacher
- tears
- teen drug use
- telephone call
- tent
- tent city
- terrorism
- terrorist
- thirty something
- thrown off a balcony
- tooth cap
- torch
- torture
- trafalgar square london
- train tracks
- tv news
- unicef
- united nations
- van
- vandalism
- vault
- video camera
- village
- village set on fire
- vineyard
- violence
- visa
- vulgarity
- walkie talkie
- war crime
- watching tv
- waterfront bar
- whore
- wine
- wood carving
- wound
- zimbabwe
- zimbabwean