Movies / London Has Fallen (2016) / Keywords
- 2010s
- abandoned train
- action hero
- aerial shot
- agent
- air force one
- airport
- air raid siren
- ak 47
- ambulance
- ambush
- american abroad
- american flag
- american in the uk
- amputee
- anti arab
- anti hero
- apartment
- armored car
- armory
- arms dealer
- army
- assassin
- assassination
- assassination attempt
- assassination plot
- assault rifle
- attack
- attic
- baby
- battle
- battlefield
- beaten to death
- beating
- betrayal
- big ben london
- binoculars
- black comedy
- blood
- blood on shirt
- blood splatter
- boat
- body count
- bodyguard
- body landing on a car
- bomb
- bombardment
- booby trap
- botched execution
- box office hit
- bravery
- brawl
- bridge
- bridge collapse
- british
- british actor playing american character
- british army
- british intelligence
- british secret service
- brutality
- buckingham palace
- bulletproof vest
- bunker
- burned alive
- burned to death
- camera
- canadian
- captain
- car accident
- car bomb
- car chase
- car crash
- car fire
- car motorcycle chase
- car off bridge
- car rollover
- car stunt
- cell phone
- cell phone detonator
- chancellor
- chaos
- character repeating someone else's dialogue
- character's point of view camera shot
- chase
- cheering
- church
- city name in title
- collapsing bridge
- collapsing building
- combat
- commando
- commando mission
- commando raid
- commando unit
- computer cracker
- computer hacker
- conspiracy
- construction site
- corpse
- courage
- critically bashed
- danger
- death
- death of child
- deception
- desert
- destruction
- detonator
- die hard scenario
- disarming someone
- disaster
- disguise
- double cross
- drone
- drone strike
- elevator
- elevator shaft
- embassy
- escape
- ethnic slur
- evacuated city
- evacuation
- evil man
- exploding boat
- exploding body
- exploding building
- exploding car
- exploding helicopter
- exploding truck
- explosion
- explosive
- ex special forces
- extremism
- failed security precautions
- falling through the floor
- fbi
- fear
- female agent
- female spy
- fictional war
- fight
- fighter jet
- filmed killing
- final battle
- final showdown
- fire
- fireplace
- fire truck
- fistfight
- flare
- flash drive
- flash forward
- flashlight
- frenchman
- friendship
- funeral
- f word
- gatling gun
- general
- german
- good versus evil
- gore
- government agent
- grenade launcher
- guerilla warfare
- gun battle
- gunfight
- hand grenade
- hand to hand combat
- head of state
- held at gunpoint
- helicopter
- helicopter crash
- helicopter pilot
- henchman
- heroism
- hit by a car
- hit by a truck
- hostage
- husband wife relationship
- impalement
- impersonating a police officer
- independent film
- infiltration
- innocent person killed
- internet
- invaded country
- invasion
- italian
- japanese
- jogging
- jumping from height
- kicked in the stomach
- kidnapping
- killing civilians
- killing spree
- knife
- knife fight
- knocked out
- knocked out with a gun butt
- landmark destruction
- laptop
- limousine
- london england
- london eye
- london metropolitan police
- london underground
- long take
- m 6
- machete
- machine gun
- machismo
- map
- martial arts
- massacre
- mass death
- mass murder
- media coverage
- mercenary
- mercilessness
- metal detector
- mi6
- military
- mindless action
- minefield
- missile
- mission
- mistress
- mixed martial arts
- mole
- morse code
- mother daughter relationship
- motorcade
- motorcycle
- motorcycle accident
- motorcycle stunt
- murder
- near death experience
- neck breaking
- nevada
- newscaster
- new scotland yard
- news report
- night vision
- night vision binoculars
- nsa
- oath
- offscreen killing
- one against many
- one day
- one man army
- outrunning explosion
- overturning car
- pakistan
- panic
- paranoia
- parking garage
- patriotism
- piccadilly circus london
- pistol
- pistol whip
- poisoning
- police
- police car
- police inspector
- police station
- political assassination
- political thriller
- politician
- politics
- power outage
- pregnancy
- president
- prime minister
- product placement
- prologue
- propaganda
- punched in the chest
- punched in the face
- race against time
- racial slur
- rescue
- rescue mission
- resignation letter
- retaliation
- returning character killed off
- revelation
- revenge
- rocket launcher
- rogue agent
- sabotage
- safe house
- sas
- satellite
- saved from execution
- scotland yard
- scottish accent
- second part
- secret agent
- secretary
- secret service agent
- security camera
- self sacrifice
- sequel
- shootout
- shot in the arm
- shot in the back
- shot in the chest
- shot in the eye
- shot in the face
- shot in the forehead
- shot in the head
- shot in the leg
- shot in the shoulder
- shot through a door
- shot through a wall
- shot through a window
- shot through the floor
- shot to death
- showdown
- slow motion scene
- smoke
- smoke grenade
- sniper
- sniper rifle
- sociopath
- soldier
- speaker of the house
- special forces
- spy
- stabbed in the back
- stabbed in the chest
- stabbed in the leg
- stabbed to death
- stinger missile
- st paul's cathedral
- strangulation
- street shootout
- subjective camera
- subterranean
- subtitled scene
- subway
- suicide
- suicide bomber
- surprise ending
- surveillance
- survival
- suspense
- swat team
- tension
- terrorism
- terrorist
- terrorist attack
- terrorist group
- terrorist plot
- text messaging
- threatened with a knife
- throat slitting
- thrown through a windshield
- thug
- tied to a chair
- times square manhattan new york city
- tokyo japan
- torture
- tough guy
- tower bridge london
- tracking device
- trafalgar square london
- traffic jam
- traitor
- treason
- tunnel
- undercover
- urban setting
- urban warfare
- u.s. president
- u.s. secret service
- u.s. vice president
- van
- vice president
- violence
- walkie talkie
- wanted poster
- warrior
- washington d.c.
- water
- wedding
- westminster abbey
- wheelchair
- white house
- white rose
- wisecrack humor
- yemen