Movies / Planet of the Apes (2001)


Runtime: 119 min

Genres: Action Adventure Sci-Fi Thriller

Languages: English

Countries: USA

An astronaut lands on a planet inhabited by human-like apes, who rule the planet with an iron fist.

Directors (1) Credit
Tim Burton ...
Writers (4) Credit
Lawrence Konner (screenplay) &
Mark Rosenthal (screenplay)
Pierre Boulle (novel "La Planète des Singes")
William Broyles Jr. (screenplay) and
Composers (1) Credit
Danny Elfman ...
Editors (1) Credit
Chris Lebenzon ...
Cinematographers (1) Credit
Philippe Rousselot (director of photography)
Actors (72) Credit
Adam Carrera Human Slave (uncredited)
Allie Habberstad Girl Pet
Andrea Grano Major Maria Cooper
Anne Ramsay Lt. Col. Grace Alexander
Brett Smrz Human Kid #1
Callie Croughwell Little Human Girl
Cameron Croughwell Ape Soccer Kid
Candace Kroslak Friend At Leo's Party
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa Krull
Chad Bannon Red Ape Soldier / Man Hunt Ape
Charlton Heston Zaius - Thade's Father (uncredited)
Chet Zar Fruit Vendor
Chris Ellis Commander Karl Vasich
Craig Appel Ape Warrior (uncredited)
Daren Palacio Ape Warrior (uncredited)
David Warner Sandar
Deep Roy Gorilla Kid / Thade's Niece
Dragon Dronet Red Army Gorilla #2 (uncredited)
Eddie Adams Friend At Leo's Party
Eileen Weisinger Leeta
Elizabeth Lackey Friend At Leo's Party
Erick Avari Tival
Eric Lichtenberg Red Army Chimpanzee (uncredited)
Estella Warren Daena
Evan Parke Gunnar (as Evan Dexter Parke)
Freda Foh Shen Bon
Glenn Shadix Senator Nado
Hannah Peitzman Ape Soccer Kid
Helena Bonham Carter Ari
Howard Berger Gorilla
Isaac C. Singleton Jr. Limbo's 2nd Handler / 1st Ape Soldier
Jay Caputo 1st Ape Teenager / 2nd Ape Soldier
Jesse Kristofferson Starving Human (uncredited)
Jesse Tipton Ape Soccer Kid
Jim Holmes Friend At Leo's Party
Joanna Krupa Friend At Leo's Party
John Alexander Ape Dinner Guest / Old Man Servant / Old Ape #1
Johnny Drocco Orangutan (uncredited)
Jonna Giovanna Friend At Leo's Party (as Jonna Thompson)
Joshua Croughwell Ape Soccer Kid
Kam Heskin Friend At Leo's Party
Kevin Grevioux Limbo's 1st Handler / Ape Commander / 2nd Ape Soldier
Kris Kristofferson Karubi
Linda Harrison Woman In Cart
Lisa Marie Nova
Lorenzo Callender Friend At Leo's Party
Luke Eberl Birn
Marc Joseph Red Army Chimp (uncredited)
Mark Christopher Lawrence Friend At Leo's Party
Mark Wahlberg Captain Leo Davidson
Martin Klebba Monkey Grinders Pet (uncredited)
Melody Perkins Friend At Leo's Party
Michael Clarke Duncan Attar
Michael Jace Major Frank Santos
Michael Wiseman Specialist Hansen
Molly Peitzman Ape Soccer Kid
Nils Allen Stewart Scar (uncredited)
Orlando Estrada Red Army Chimp #2 (uncredited)
Patrick Coleman Duncan Orangutan with Briefcase (uncredited)
Paul Bunnell Red Army Chimp (uncredited)
Paul Giamatti Limbo
Philip Tan 2nd Ape Teenager / Gossiping Male Ape
Quincy Taylor Ape Soldier
Rick Baker Old Ape #2
Shane Habberstad Ape Soccer Kid
Shonda Farr Friend At Leo's Party
Spitfire Brown Ape Warrior #7 (uncredited)
Tate Taylor Friend At Leo's Party
Tim Roth Thade
Toby Cockerell Ape Warrior (uncredited)
Todd Babcock Friend At Leo's Party
Todd Kimsey Friend At Leo's Party