Movies / Selma (2014) / Keywords
- activist
- african american
- ascot necktie
- beaten to death
- beating
- bechdel test passed
- billy club
- birmingham alabama
- black american
- blockade
- bombing
- bravery
- church
- city name in title
- civii rights
- civil rights act
- courage
- death
- death of a minister
- death of girl
- deceit
- demonstration
- edmund pettus bridge
- explosion
- fbi
- friend
- friendship
- girl
- glass shard
- governor
- governor of alabama
- horse
- human rights
- husband wife relationship
- minister
- montgomery alabama
- murder
- murder of a minister
- murder of girl
- nobel peace prize
- nobel prize
- one word title
- oval office white house washington d.c.
- patent leather shoe
- peaceful protest
- place name in title
- police
- policeman
- policeman on horseback
- politics
- protest
- reference to boston massachusetts
- risking one's life
- selma alabama
- shooting
- shot to death
- singer
- singing
- slow motion scene
- song
- southern christian leadership conference
- stairway
- student
- student nonviolent coordinating committee
- teenage boy
- teenage girl
- telephone
- telephone call
- title spoken by character
- tragic event
- u.s. congress
- u.s. history
- u.s. politics
- u.s. president
- violence
- voter registration
- voting
- voting rights act
- white house washington d.c.
- white supremacist
- wood splinter
- year 1963
- year 1964
- year 1965