Director Christopher Smith (Creep, Severance), returns to rattle viewers with this dark thriller concerning a group of young friends who become trapped in the Bermuda Triangle. Driving to the local harbor to go yachting with friends, Jess (Melissa George) hits a seagull and pays little mind to the bloody mess. Her friend Greg (Michael Dorman) owns a luxury yacht, and all she can think about is soaking up sun as they hit the open water. Swept into the Bermuda Triangle by a freak storm, the friends spot a passing ocean liner and climb aboard. They thought they'd been saved, but there isn't a soul to be found on the massive cruise ship. Later, as Jess begins to experience a disturbing twinge of d (C)j vu, the terror intensifies when an unseen assailant begins methodically dispatching the frightened seafarers. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi