Movies / Valkyrie (2008) / Keywords
- 1940s
- adjutant
- afrika corps
- airplane
- air raid
- air raid shelter
- air raid siren
- amputee
- armored vehicle
- arrest
- artillery
- assassination
- assassination attempt
- assassination plot
- bandage
- battalion
- bavaria germany
- bavarian alps
- berghof germany
- berlin germany
- betrayal
- blanket
- blood
- body bag
- bomb
- bombing
- bomb shelter
- boy
- briefcase
- bunker
- chancellor
- chandelier
- checkpoint
- children
- church
- cigarette smoking
- colonel
- conspiracy
- coup d'état
- court
- court martial
- courtroom
- cross
- crucifix
- crying
- cut
- cyanide
- cyanide capsule
- dancer
- dancing
- death
- death by hanging
- death of protagonist
- deception
- desert
- detonator
- diary
- disfigurement
- dog
- drink
- drinking
- eating
- enigma machine
- escape attempt
- ethnic slur
- execution
- exploding car
- exploitation
- explosion
- eyeball
- eye patch
- eye wound
- family relationships
- father son relationship
- finger amputation
- firing squad
- flash forward
- flight to freedom
- food
- friendship
- führer
- garrotting
- general
- german
- german army
- german officer
- german resistance
- german shepherd
- german soldier
- germany
- gestapo
- glass eye
- government
- grenade
- gun
- hanged man
- hanging
- heil hitler
- high treason
- hospital
- hung from a hook
- husband wife relationship
- invasion
- iron cross
- jew
- judge
- kangaroo court
- kiss
- lieutenant
- lieutenant colonel
- listening to a radio
- listening to music
- luftwaffe
- major
- major general
- mass execution
- meat hook
- medal
- men's bathroom
- military
- military coup
- military headquarters
- military officer
- mirror
- mosquito
- mother son relationship
- motorcycle
- munich germany
- murder
- nazi
- nazi germany
- nazi uniform
- nightclub
- no opening credits
- normandy france
- north africa
- one eyed man
- one word title
- panzer
- phonograph
- photograph
- photographer
- physician
- piano wire
- pistol
- plan gone wrong
- pliers
- plot to kill hitler
- politics
- presumed dead
- pride
- rastenburg east prussia
- recording
- record player
- reference to field marshal montgomery
- reference to mussolini
- reference to richard wagner
- resistance
- revenge
- rifle
- schnapps
- second lieutenant
- severed finger
- severed hand
- sham trial
- shaving
- shelling
- shooting
- shootout
- shot in the arm
- shot in the back
- shot in the chest
- shot in the head
- shot to death
- sidecar
- singer
- singing
- smolensk russia
- song
- ss
- stauffenberg bomb plot
- strafing
- suicide
- suicide by gunshot
- suicide note
- suicide pill
- suspense
- swastika
- swimmer
- swimming
- swimming pool
- switchboard
- tank
- tears
- telephone call
- teletype
- tent
- third reich
- time bomb
- tin snips
- title appears in writing
- title spoken by character
- tools
- tragic hero
- traitor
- treachery
- treason
- tunisia
- typewriter
- victrola
- violence
- voice over narration
- wagner's ride of the valkyries
- war game
- war injury
- war ministry
- warrant
- what happened to epilogue
- what if
- wooden sword
- world war two
- year 1943
- year 1944