People / Jack Murray / Keywords

canada   based on novel   missing person   fugitive   kidnapping   marriage   texas   desert   scream   hat   loss of brother   swedish american   bare chested male   off screen murder   cowboy   character repeating someone else's dialogue   canceled wedding   posse   racism   beautiful woman   attempted murder   mexican   dinner   tragic hero   imagery   prejudice   forbidden love   bitterness   boyfriend girlfriend relationship   repeated line   visual metaphor   adopted son   hymn   uncle nephew relationship   brother in law sister in law relationship   mistrust   ambush   character study   scalping   rejection   1870s   racial violence   1860s   locket   eccentric   hidden truth   male bonding   native american   distrust   catch phrase   new mexico   escape attempt   secret past   conflicted hero   orchestral music score   deep focus   wedding party   loss of girlfriend   blizzard   self righteousness   wilderness   trail   dialogue driven   raid   tracker   tolerance   trade   scarface   character driven   family reunion   frontier   will   texas ranger   biracial   buddy movie   native american attack   civil war veteran   buffalo   calvary   comanche indian   mexican border   monument valley   mysterious past   native american reservation   post civil war   racial reconciliation   scalp   search and rescue mission   search for lost relative   stereotyping   western frontier   western music   remote   superiority complex   dog   funeral   chase   murder   fear   paranoia   dark hero   culture clash   dark past   loss of father   loss of mother   hatred   revenge   rescue   native american chief   horse   suspicion   uncle niece relationship   orphan   loss of sister