People / Jim Lau / Keywords

thailand   exploding body   slapstick comedy   brawl   kidnapping   love   criminal   desert   rainstorm   father son relationship   los angeles california   man with glasses   elevator   scream   unsubtitled foreign language   singing   boy   falling from height   bus   male female relationship   flashback   security guard   bag over head   bare chested male   airport   sacrifice   deception   f word   stolen car   1980s   prostitute   lifting someone into the air   heart attack   character repeating someone else's dialogue   drugged drink   escaped convict   cell phone   las vegas nevada   car crash   scene during end credits   dentist   surveillance   music score composed by director   brothel   woman in jeopardy   road trip   friend   director cameo   monkey   curse   truck   magician   male frontal nudity   black humor   dead dog   san francisco california   decapitation   underwater   anti hero   tied to a bed   third part   masked man   golden gate bridge   gold   bound and gagged   impersonating a police officer   body in a trunk   chinese american   pawnshop   subtitled scene   sword fight   head butt   infatuation   toast   man punching a woman   gang warfare   reverse footage   fiancĂ©e   tuxedo   destiny   part of trilogy   disguise   place name in title   female reporter   penthouse   white dress   kukri dagger   character says i love you   female lawyer   parachute   levitation   legend   sword throwing   self awareness   country name in title   truck driver   green eyes   killing an animal   butterfly knife   giraffe   black magic   alley   sorcerer   stabbed in the forehead   critically bashed   asian american   crossbow   drugged food   soiling pants   fiancee   bigamy   trance   group of friends   pharmacist   chinatown   dog collar   brother in law brother in law relationship   caesar's palace las vegas   sledgehammer   sleeping woman   rooster   running a car off the road   mullet   breast implant   prison riot   negative asian stereotype   smothered with a pillow   entrance   martial arts gymnastics   potion   sleeping gas   hogtied   female journalist   tijuana mexico   intervention   karaoke bar   reference to billy joel   eating dog food   friendship   cult favorite   betrayal   funeral   chase   murder   shot in the back   shot to death   bottle   spoof   electronic music score   foot chase   scene during opening credits   culture clash   written by director   home invasion   magic   pregnancy   monster   on the run   subterranean   swimming   supernatural power   base jumping   severed head   husband wife relationship   shootout   trap   mini van   slow motion scene   surprise ending   reporter   letter   gas station   knife throwing   knocked out   punched in the face   race against time   rescue   martial arts   sequel   shot in the chest   syringe   evil   lightning   limousine   threatened with a knife   mother daughter relationship   wheelchair   robbery   police station   lens flare   finger gun   death of father   television news   topless female nudity   pharmacy   returning character killed off   spirit   mercenary   prison escape   wedding   pistol   prison