People / Wally Pfister

  • 75% approval
  • 12 movies
  • 2 perfect movies
  • 2 great movies
  • Director
  • Cinematographer
  • Actor

Director (1) Credit
Transcendence (2014) ... 5/10
Cinematographer (10) Credit
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) (director of photography) 7/10
Moneyball (2011) (director of photography) 5/10
Inception (2010) (director of photography) 10/10
The Dark Knight (2008) (director of photography) 7/10
The Prestige (2006) (director of photography) 8/10
Batman Begins (2005) (director of photography) 6/10
The Italian Job (2003) director of photography 6/10
Insomnia (2002) (2002) (director of photography) 8/10
Scotland, Pa. (2001) ... 5/10
Memento (2000) (director of photography) 10/10
Actor (1) Credit
Side by Side (2012) Himself 6/10