Movies / Hot Fuzz (2007) / Keywords
- absurdism
- accident
- actor
- actress
- adultery
- affair
- alcohol
- animal attack
- animated sequence
- apology
- appointment
- arrest
- arsenal
- atheist
- audit
- automatic weapon
- axe murder
- baby
- backstage
- bacon
- bar
- bartender
- beer
- bicycle
- birthday
- birthday cake
- birthday party
- black comedy
- blood
- blood on camera lens
- blood spatter
- bloody nose
- brainwashing
- breaking down door
- breakup
- buddy
- buddy cop
- buddy film
- bullet proof vest
- bus
- butcher
- cache
- cake
- camera
- car accident
- car chase
- car crash
- castle
- catacomb
- catsup
- cell phone
- cemetery
- champagne
- chandelier
- charity bazaar
- chase
- chess
- child in peril
- church
- cigarette smoking
- clock
- clock tower
- conspiracy
- constable
- convenience store
- corpse
- cowboy costume
- cranberry juice
- crime scene
- critically acclaimed
- crossword puzzle
- crushed head
- cult
- cult comedy
- cult favorite
- dead
- dead body
- dead body in freezer
- dead mother
- dead wife
- death
- decapitated body
- decapitation
- detective
- detective sergeant
- doctor
- dog
- door
- drinking
- drunk driving
- drunkenness
- dumb police
- dvd
- england
- evidence
- exploding head
- exploding house
- explosion
- extramarital affair
- fake blood
- faked death
- farmer
- father son relationship
- fence
- fight
- fish out of water
- flashback
- flash forward
- flashlight
- flip book
- florist
- flowers
- foot chase
- fork
- fountain
- friendship
- f word
- garden shears
- gas explosion
- gay subtext
- gore
- graffiti
- graveyard
- greenhouse
- grocer
- gun
- gun held to head
- gunshot
- handcuffs
- helicopter
- hooded figure
- horse
- horse riding
- horticulture
- hostage
- hotel
- hotel desk clerk
- house plant
- human skull
- hunting trip
- husband wife relationship
- ice cream
- ice cream cone
- impalement
- infidelity
- innkeeper
- inspector
- interpreter
- jogging
- juvenile delinquency
- knife
- lifting person in air
- living statue
- locker room
- london england
- loss of father
- lost animal
- macabre
- machine gun
- male bonding
- male female relationship
- man child
- mass murder
- merchant
- mine
- miniature set
- minister
- montage
- movie cliques
- movie reference
- mugshot
- multiple cameos
- murder
- musical number
- neighborhood watch
- new job
- newspaper reporter
- nikon camera
- no opening credits
- notebook
- no title at beginning
- parody
- partner
- pedal car
- person in car trunk
- photograph
- police
- police car
- police chase
- police corruption
- police force
- police inspector
- policeman
- police officer
- police station
- policewoman
- pram
- prologue
- psychopath
- pub
- public house
- raffle
- rain
- rainstorm
- rat
- recycling bin
- reporter
- research
- rifle
- romeo and juliet
- rooftop
- running
- santa suit
- sarcasm
- sarcastic clapping
- scale model of city
- school
- scythe
- sea mine
- secret cache
- secret society
- sergeant
- serial killer
- severed head
- shakespeare
- shakespeare's romeo and juliet
- shooting gallery
- shootout
- shoplifter
- shoplifting
- shopping cart
- shotgun
- shot in the arm
- shot in the leg
- shot to death
- sidekick
- skeleton
- slapstick comedy
- slow motion
- slow motion scene
- small town
- solicitor
- speeding ticket
- spiderman
- spire
- spit take
- spoof
- spray paint
- stabbed in the hand
- stabbed in the head
- stabbed in the throat
- stabbed through chin
- stabbing
- stab wound
- stage door
- stop sign
- stuffed animal
- sunglasses
- supermarket
- surveillance camera
- swan
- swan attack
- sword fight
- tape recorder
- tape recording
- taxi
- teacher
- teenage boy
- teen drinking
- telephone call
- theatre audience
- tombola
- tombstone
- toothpick
- tough cop
- town council
- train
- twin
- uncle nephew relationship
- underage drinking
- unfaithfulness
- urination
- vicar
- video surveillance
- videotape
- village
- violence
- voice over narration
- walkie talkie
- watching play
- widower
- wisecrack humor
- workaholic
- wounded by gunshot
- wrestling