Movies / The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) / Keywords
- 1910s
- 1920s
- 1930s
- 1940s
- 1950s
- 1960s
- 1970s
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- abandoned baby
- accident
- adopted son
- adoption
- adoptive mother
- adultery
- aging
- aging disorder
- aging parent
- altered version of studio logo
- american flag
- anti aging
- atlantic ocean
- baby born
- backstage
- ballerina
- ballet
- bar
- based on short story
- bath
- black & white to color
- blindness
- british woman
- broadway manhattan new york city
- broken leg
- brothel
- button
- cable car
- camera focus on female butt
- car accident
- character name in title
- cherokee
- child abandonment
- child as adult
- christian revival
- church
- clock
- clockmaker
- collision course
- crutches
- dance class
- dance teacher
- dancing
- daughter
- death
- deathbed
- death in childbirth
- death of baby
- death of father
- death of mother
- decorating apartment
- deformed baby
- deformity
- dementia
- diary
- disfigurement
- drunkenness
- duplex
- dying
- dying in childbirth
- dying young
- elevator
- english channel
- epic
- estranged father
- expectant father
- expectant mother
- extramarital affair
- family business
- fantasy like
- father son relationship
- fictional biography
- flashback
- flooding
- floodwater
- foster mother
- funeral
- getting smaller
- giving birth
- grave side ceremony
- healer
- historical fiction
- hit by a car
- honey
- hospital
- hospital bed
- hotel lobby
- human condition
- hummingbird
- hurricane
- hurricane katrina
- india
- indian chief motorcycle
- interracial adoption
- lightning
- lightning strike
- lingerie slip
- love
- magical realism
- man child
- manhattan new york city
- man with glasses
- medical condition
- melancholy
- mother son relationship
- motorcycle
- napkin tucked into collar
- narrated by character
- navy
- new orleans louisiana
- new york city
- no opening credits
- nostalgia
- no title at beginning
- old age
- older man younger woman relationship
- older woman younger man relationship
- old man
- paris france
- phonograph
- piano
- postcard
- preacher
- pregnancy
- premarital sex
- premature aging
- progeria
- prostitute
- pygmy
- rapid aging
- religion
- restaurant
- retirement home
- reverse footage
- russia
- sailor
- ship captain
- shot through chest
- skin condition
- spy
- struck by lightning
- swimmer
- swimming
- swimming pool
- tattoo
- tea
- tent
- theodore roosevelt
- told in flashback
- train station
- travel
- tugboat
- u boat
- unable to walk
- unwanted child
- upright piano
- voice over narration
- vomit
- wheelchair
- white hair
- world war one
- world war two
- young
- youth restored