Movies / The Wild Blue Yonder (2005)


Runtime: 80 min

Genres: Sci-Fi

Languages: English

Countries: Austria France Germany UK

The film follows a hypothetical proposition: a group of astronauts are circling the earth in a spacecraft, but they cannot return, as our planet has become uninhabitable. The cause of this remains open; all-out war, outbreak of a new disease beyond control, radiation after the complete disappearance of the ozone layer, or whatever. The crew of the spacecraft has to find a more hospitable place out there in space, and releases a probe from their cargo bay, Galileo. But Galileo -- after sending back very disquieting data -- has to be sent on a suicide mission.

Directors (1) Credit
Werner Herzog ...
Writers (1) Credit
Werner Herzog writer
Composers (1) Credit
Ernst Reijseger ...
Editors (1) Credit
Joe Bini ...
Cinematographers (3) Credit
Henry Kaiser ...
Klaus Scheurich ...
Tanja Koop ...
Actors (9) Credit
Brad Dourif The Alien
Donald Williams Astronaut Commander (as Capt. Donald Williams)
Ellen Baker Astronaut physician (as Dr. Ellen Baker)
Franklin Chang-Diaz Astronaut Plasma Physicist
Martin Lo Mathematician
Michael McCulley Astronaut pilot
Roger Diehl Mathematician
Shannon Lucid Astronaut biochemist
Ted Sweetser Mathematician