Movies / Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) / Keywords
- abandoned ship
- action hero
- action heroine
- admiral
- adventure hero
- aerial shot
- air strike
- alien
- alien creature
- ambiguous ending
- ambush
- anger
- anti hero
- anti heroine
- army
- arrest
- assassin
- asteroid belt
- astromech droid
- attack
- bar
- bartender
- battle
- battle cruiser
- battlefield
- betrayal
- bilingualism
- binoculars
- blizzard
- blockbuster
- blood
- bombardment
- bounty hunter
- bravery
- brawl
- brutality
- cannon
- cape
- captain
- cellar
- chaos
- character repeating someone else's dialogue
- chase
- cloning
- coercive persuasion
- combat
- coming of age
- commander
- co pilot
- courage
- crash landing
- creature
- crisis of conscience
- critically acclaimed
- crossbow
- damsel in distress
- danger
- death
- death of father
- death of friend
- deception
- desert
- desert landscape
- desert planet
- destiny
- destruction
- destruction of planet
- detonator
- dogfight
- double cross
- droid
- duel
- eaten alive
- electrocution
- elevator
- epic
- epic battle
- escape
- exploding building
- exploding planet
- exploding ship
- explosion
- explosive
- face slap
- falling from height
- family drama
- famous score
- father and son
- father son relationship
- fear
- female fighter
- female general
- female pilot
- female protagonist
- female soldier
- female spy
- female warrior
- fictional planet
- fictional war
- fight
- fighter pilot
- film starts with text
- fire
- fistfight
- five word title
- flamethrower
- flame thrower
- food shortage
- foot chase
- forest
- fugitive
- future
- future shock
- futuristic
- gang
- general
- genetic engineering
- giant
- goggles
- good versus evil
- gun
- gunfight
- handheld detonator
- hand to hand combat
- hatred
- hearing voices
- heavy rain
- held at gunpoint
- helmet
- henchman
- hologram
- hope
- hostage
- humanoid alien
- humanoid robot
- humor
- hyperspace
- imax version
- interrogation
- island
- jailbreak
- jedi
- jedi knight
- junkyard
- key
- kidnapping
- knocked out
- laser
- laser cannon
- laser gun
- lens flare
- lieutenant
- lifting person in air
- lightsaber
- long take
- macguffin
- magical power
- major
- man with no name
- map
- martial arts
- masked man
- massacre
- mass murder
- megalomaniac
- mercilessness
- midget
- millennium falcon
- mind control
- mind reading
- missing person
- mission
- mixed martial arts
- monster
- mother daughter relationship
- murder
- near death experience
- no opening credits
- number in character's name
- nurse
- obesity
- one against many
- one man army
- one woman army
- on the run
- opening action scene
- orphan
- outer space
- outpost
- patricide
- pilot
- planet
- plasma
- power outage
- presumed dead
- prisoner
- prisoner of war
- produced by director
- prosthetic limb
- punched in the face
- quest
- quicksand
- r2 d2
- race against time
- rage
- rationing
- redemption
- reluctant hero
- rescue
- rescue mission
- resistance
- resistance fighter
- returning character killed off
- revenge
- robot
- robotic arm
- roman numbered sequel
- roman numeral in title
- sabotage
- saga
- scavenger
- science fantasy
- scottish accent
- scrap dealer
- scrap merchant
- sequel
- seventh part
- shipwreck
- shooting
- shootout
- shot in the arm
- shot in the back
- shot in the chest
- shot in the head
- shot in the shoulder
- shot to death
- showdown
- skull
- slow motion scene
- smuggler
- snow
- snowy landscape
- soldier
- space battle
- spacecraft
- space fleet
- space opera
- spaceship
- spaceship crash
- spaceship wreckage
- space station
- space travel
- space western
- spear
- spit take
- stabbed in the chest
- stabbed in the shoulder
- stabbed through the chest
- star destroyer
- starfighter
- starship
- starship bridge
- starship wreckage
- star wars
- stormtrooper
- strangulation
- strong female character
- strong woman
- stylized violence
- subtitled scene
- sun
- supernatural power
- super weapon
- surprise ending
- survival
- sword duel
- sword fight
- talking robot
- telekinesis
- telepathy
- tent
- tentacle
- tentacled alien
- tentacled creature
- the force
- thirst
- tie fighter
- torture
- tough girl
- tough guy
- turncoat
- unlikely hero
- village
- violence
- violent outburst
- vision
- walkie talkie
- warp speed
- warrior
- water
- weapon of mass destruction
- wilhelm scream
- winter
- wisecrack humor
- woman fights a man
- woman hits a man
- woman kills a man
- woman punches a man
- woods
- wookie
- wookiee
- world destruction
- world domination
- written by director
- x wing fighter